F-Pro Memberfolio
Highly valued by multimedia professionals and organizations
around the world, the F-Pro Memberfolio
Pass Card is issued only to published, working professionals.
Depending on your area of freelance
activity, you have the choice of a F-Pro Memberfolio Pass Card inscribed with the words
F-Pro Membership is only available to
published freelancers involved in creative communications. Your
F-Pro Memberfolio Pass Card / Membership / Web
folio format
has a place for your name, your F-Pro Webfolio / membership number (after activation) and
a system to make it a photo ID and phone card! *
To activate your membership,
list yourself as a Freelance Professional in registries,
get on exclusive assignment lists, network with other Freelance Professionals
and find services and safe havens throughout the world... -
consult with the
Freelance Professionals guidebook.
Freelance Professionals and The International Organization of
Independent Image and Information Producers (II&IP)
Encourages your membership in local, regional and national
organizations supporting and promoting professional development, copyright protection, labour rights
and Image and Information distribution as this enhances your acceptance to our international
network of Freelance Professionals.
- If you are an already published freelancer, you qualify immediately -
Processing Centre Address
- If you are NOT YET published,
you can pre-purchase an F-Pro Membership
- F-Pro members are either SEASONED OR SEEKING...
- The international scope of F-Pro CORRESPONDENTS
- COPYRIGHT Information
- Answer these questions and .. Get Published for FREE!
- File size warning
- F-Pro Credits and Retractions
- Back to the F-Pro Home page
- Your link to FREEworld
If you are an already published freelancer,
you qualify immediately -
You may send whatever promotional material you like...(that's why we use a post box!)
...to explain your freelance qualifications, but your package MUST INCLUDE the following items:
send a money order for $100. U.S. with your resume
(curriculum vitae)and tearsheets from 2 different sources (examples of
original published material)
including two (2)
recent I.D. size photos of yourself and
choose one of these backgrounds for your card...
(1.) MEDIA, (2.) NETWORK, (3.) PHOTO or (4.) FREELANCE
Send your international money order payable to F-Pro, Inc. and your name as you wish it to appear on the Pass Card to:
Freelance Professionals (F-Pro)
International PASS CARD Processing Centre
Box 933, Station H
Montreal, Quebec,
Canada H3G 2M9
(incredibly, some people do!)
please bookmark this page and click below.
AFTER you have sent your application by mail. We will correspond with you
ONLY AFTER your application has been received at our end.
If you are NOT YET published,
you can pre-purchase an F-Pro Membership,
and your PASS CARD will be activated the moment you earn your Published Status ...
... so get your copy TODAY!
Freelance Professionals, Professionals of Change
- The guide to the International Organization of Independent Image and Information Producers -
Click below to learn more about self-publishing through Freelance Professionals
and the TRAFFORD On-Demand Publishing Service
Toll Free - 1(888) 232-4444 (U.S. & Canada)
Whether you are a seasoned professional confirming your expertise or a newly
qualified freelancer seeking new horizons...
The world needs more Professionals of Change...
Freelance Professionals !
Correspondents so far - Austrailia, Argentina, Belize, Brazil, Canada, Cuba,
Dubai, Egypt, England, Finland, France, Germany, Guatemala, Hong Kong, India, Japan, Malaysia,
Mexico, Nepal, Pakistan, El Salvador, Russia, Thailand, Scotland, South Africa, Switzerland, U.S.A.
Freelance Professionals is a Trademark of F-Pro,Inc.,
©1992,1997,1998, 2000, 2002 ALL
Are you a freelancer searching for that Pot of Gold?
START by placing our FREE F-Pro Rainbow MONEY MAGNET BUTTON on your site.
If we find it on your top page (highest traffic page) in our next search for freelancers, qualifying participants will win a FREE F-Pro membership, a special F-Pro computer accessory, and a chance to dip into the pot of golden freelance work opportunities!
Download the F-Pro logo located at
Copy and place the f_logo.gif GIF file in the same directory
as your home page is located.
2. Add the following HTML lines to the bottom of your HOME PAGE.
<a href="http://www.f-pro.ca/business/busm0105.htm">
<img src="f_logo.gif"
align="BOTTOM" border="0"> </a>
<br> <i> Looking for more </i> <br>
<a href="http://www.f-pro.ca/business/busm0105.htm"> Freelance Professionals?</a>
It should look like this when displayed on your browser...
Looking for more
Freelance Professionals?
3. When it's working properly, send us (and everyone you know)
an e-mail with your MONEY MAGNET URL, and let the network help you Get Out There and earn a living!
You have taken the first step by placing the F-Pro MONEY MAGNET on your site,
now promote yourself, promote your site, earn a reputation
and get published so you can fill your pot of gold!
Follow your freelance rainbows and Good Luck!
We're publishing another book, compiling more experiences of professional freelancers in different regions around the world.
GET PUBLISHED FOR FREE (and qualify to be listed !)
Answer the following questions, and if your submission is used in the book,
you will not only qualify for membership in Freelance Professionals,
but will also be linked through the MONEY MAGNET program, promoting freelance income on the 'net.
Instructions: Copy and paste the questions below into an
e-mail window and make yourself known!
1. How long have you been -
A.) working in your field - B.) an independent freelancer?
2. WHY did YOU begin freelancing? ...and do you recommend freelancing to OTHERS?
PERSONALLY USED to generate business and MAKE MONEY freelancing?
4. What is your level of EDUCATION,
...and what would you advise to those just starting out?
5. Are you aware of any local, regional, or national associations OF HELP TO FREELANCERS?
(Please state name and address of organizations, and your membership number if you are a member)
6. Are you willing to be a (A.) CONTACT and/or
(B.) SAFE HAVEN for Freelance Professionals from around the world travelling through your region?
7. If F-Pro can connect you with potential CLIENTS, what are your freelance rates?
(..in approximate U.S. and Local currencies..)
Please state type of freelance activity:,
your complete name and address:
(telephone/fax number optional)
electronic coordinates:
Don't forget to place a Rainbow Money Magnet on your website (if you have one).
Please send E-Mails only - DO NOT ATTACH DOCUMENTS / images / banners or other large files -
Our server will reject them and possibly cause problems for YOUR server!
Credits and Retractions
(Please disregard the
Memberfone Rechargeable Membership /
Phone Cards promotion as it has been discontinued as of 1/98.)
WebServices by: Perception reEngineering & Design Group
Memberfone is a tradmark
of Telamir Int´l. Used under licence.
Looking for more Freelance Professionals?
After enjoying this site, visit
( Federation of Responsible & Ethical Entities) site.